
2024.03 -
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Korea
Ph.D. in school of electrical engineering, WIT Lab | GPA: 4.15/4.3

2021.03 - 2024.02
Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST), Korea
M.S. in school of department of design, Interaction Lab | GPA: 4.15/4.3
Thesis: Sonar Sensing On Unmodified Smartwatch

2013.03 - 2021.02
Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST), Korea
B.S. in school of Human Factor Engineering & Computer engineering | GPA: 4.07/4.3

Research Experience

2025.01 - 2025.02 - Visiting Researcher
SciFi Lab, Computing and Information Science, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA (Advisor: Cheng Zhang)
Advanced acoustic sensing system

2023.11 - 2024.02 - Research Assistant
Hyper-Reality Metaverse Research lab, ETRI, Daejeon, Korea
Dynamic pose estimation on mobile device

2023.02 - 2023.08 - Visitng Reseracher
Human-Computer Interaction group, School of Computing and Information Systems, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Austrailia (Advisor: Vassilis Kostakos)
Digital phenotyping on mobile device

Selected Publications

Around-Device Sensing on Wearables

Cross, Dwell, or Pinch: Designing and Evaluating Around-Device Selection Methods for Unmodified Smartwatches
Jiwan Kim, Jiwan Son, and Ian Oakley
CHI '25: Proceedings of the 2025 CHI conference on Human Factors in Computing systems. (Acc.Rate: 25.1%)
[To Appear]

BudsID: Mobile-Ready and Expressive Finger Identification Input for Earbuds
Jiwan Kim, Mingyu Han, and Ian Oakley
CHI '25: Proceedings of the 2025 CHI conference on Human Factors in Computing systems. (Acc.Rate: 25.1%)
[To Appear]

SonarID: Using Sonar to Identify Fingers on a Smartwatch
Jiwan Kim, and Ian Oakley
CHI '22: Proceedings of the 2022 CHI conference on Human Factors in Computing systems. (Acc.Rate: 24.7%)
[DOI] | [Video]

Digital Phenotyping

Unpacking Instagram Use: The Impact of Upward Social Comparisons on Usage Patterns and Affective Experiences in the Wild
Jiwan Kim, Doyoung Lee, Mingyu Han, Jaeho Kim, Vassilis Kostakos, and Ian Oakley
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, June 2024. (IF: 5.4)

Academic Service

Organizing Committee
UIST 2025 Registration Co-chair
UbiComp-ISWC 2024 SV Co-chair

CHI(24, 25), IMWUT(24, 25), IJHCI, DIS(24), TEI(24), ISS(23, 24), CHI LBW(24, 15), MobileHCI LBW(23)

Student Volunteer
CHI 2022, UbiComp 2024 (Co-chair)

Research Grant

National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF)
Around-Device Sensing and Interaction On Wearables
PI, $50,000 for 2024.09 - 2026.08, Outcome: SonarSelect

Information Technology Research Center (ITRC)
Spatial Computing HCI Technology for Everywhere XR Productivity Workstation
Participating Researcher (PI: Prof. Geehyuk Lee), 2024.07 - , Outcome: SonarSelect, BudsID

KAIST, Venture Research Program
Developing a Smart Ring Companion For Wearable Input
Lead Researcher (PI: Prof. Ian Oakley), $10,000 for 2024.05 - 2024.12, Outcome: VibraHand

National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF)
Multimodal Interaction for Augmented Reality
Participating Researcher (PI: Prof. Ian Oakley), 2023.03 - 2026.02, Outcome: BudsID

National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF)
행동중재 디지털치료 콘텐츠 개발 및 데이터 수집·분석·표준화 시스템 구축
Participating Researcher (PI: Prof. Hyungsook Kim), 2021.07 - 2023.06, Outcome: Unpacking Instagram Use

Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy of Korea (MOTIE)
New Technology Convergence Design Professional Training Project (NTCDPT)
Lead Researcher (PI: Prof. Ian Oakley), 2021.03 - 2023.02, Outcome: SonarID

National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF)
WalkAR: Enabling Mobile Input For Smart Glasses
Participating Researcher (PI: Prof. Ian Oakley), 2020.06 - 2023.02, Outcome: FingerText


Best People's Choice Award
Awarded by 2024 UIST Student Innovation Contest.

Presidential Science Scholarship for Graduate Students (Acc.Rate: 4%, $96,000 for 4 yrs)
Awarded by the President of Korea.

Best Jury Award, Honorable Mention for People's Choice. ($1500)
Awarded by 2022 UIST Student Innovation Contest.

Final Winner, Junction-X-Seoul 2021, The biggest global hackathon in Korea

Minister's Award, UNIST commencement ceremony
Awarded by the Minister of Science, ICT and Future Planning

2018, 2020
Award for devotion, UNIST, Korea
2018 - Contribution to school development by student activity(student president)
2020 - Contribution to school development by developing Ulsan-COVID19-MAP

2016 - 2019
Academic Achievement Award
2016 Spring(4.06/4.3), 2016 Fall(4.22/4.3), 2017 Spring(4.12/4.3), 2017 Fall(3.94/4.3), 2019 Fall(4.20/4.3)


2022 Korea Science Technology Festival(대한민국 과학기술대전), Demo work
Breathing Detection System Using Sonar on Off-the-Shelf Smartphone

2020.03 - 2020.10
Launch COVID-19 Tracking Map for Ulsan Region, Template for Other Region
Jiwan Kim(Developer, Leader), Daeseong Jeon(Developer), Taeyoon Kim(Design)

2020.01 - 2022.06
Executive board member(2020.01~2021.02)
president(2021.02~2022.06), DINO(Making club; using Arduino) @ UNIST

2019.03 - 2019.08
Grill & Fry Chef, The Chicken Shed, Cairns, Austrailia

2018.03 - 2019.03
Student President, UNIST, Ulsan, Korea

2015 - 2018
Director, Humans of UNIST, Ulsan, Korea
Telling UNIST people's little stories in SNS and 2 books for 3 years.

2017.07- 2017.08, 2016.07- 2017.08
World Friends ICT Volunteering, Regent Univ (2017) and DEOKE Foundation school (2016), Accra, Ghana
Teaching web programming/ Android programming / Culture exchange


Programming Languages | C++, C#, Python3, Javascript, JAVA, SWIFT
Platform / Module | Node.js, React.js, Tizen, Android Studio, SwiftUI, UNITY
Tools | Arduino, MATLAB, R, AWS, TensorFlow, TinyML, Firbase
Design tools | Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, Premier, OpenSCAD, KiCad